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BG School Fund

Purpose and scope of the Fund

Due to our voluntary-aided status as a school, we have to raise 10% of the money needed to pay for the ongoing development of the school, including the buildings’ maintenance, facilities and equipment.

These funds must be raised separately from all the good work done by Friends of Bishop Gilpin. Without this money it is impossible for the school to maintain its infrastructure to the high standard we have in all other areas of our children’s educational experience. 

The BG School Fund was therefore established by the School Governors to receive contributions from parents and carers.

Your support can help us to Be Great in everything that we do.

Projects supported by the Fund

In recent years, the Fund has enabled the School to:
  • Improve security for our children
  • Upgrade the children’s toilet facilities
  • Undertake repair work on the nursery roof
  • Purchase new kitchen equipment to enable the team to produce freshly made, healthy meals
  • Create step-free access to the school office and provide accessible toilet facilities for the school community
  • Improve the overall appearance and utility of the school site.

We are currently raising money to help the school upgrade some of its Information and Computer Technology (ICT) equipment including classroom smartboards and updating the tablets used by the children. 

How to give

The Trustees would warmly welcome the support of all parents and carers.

If you would like to donate, it is easy to set up a Direct Debit via the school’s 
Total Giving page. Please include your child’s name in the “message” box of the form.

Donate now 

Alternatively, you may prefer to set up a Standing Order using the account details provided in the School Fund Donations Form. Please return your completed form to the School Office.

Regular monthly payments into the BG School Fund help us to better plan our annual expenditure. In return for your donations the Governors are committed to listening to the views of parents, carers and staff, in order to inform decision-making, and providing regular updates on how money is spent.

The School Fund Trustees

The current Trustees of the BG School Fund are:

Phil Carter - Chair

Neil Sills - Treasurer

Andrew Douglas – Secretary

School Fund Governance documents can be reviewed below:

If you have a question, please email schoolfund@bishopgilpin.org