At Bishop Gilpin we aim to create a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning by establishing a deep understanding of mathematics. Our aim is for all children to be fluent with number facts, have a range of calculation strategies at their disposal, be able to reason and problem solve effectively and to enjoy maths.
It’s always really fun and we are challenged with word problems in maths - Pupil Survey 2022
He loves it! His learning has come on in leaps and bounds and the progress he’s shown this year is phenomenal.
He loves doing Maths... It’s lovely chatting to him about his day and hearing him so stimulated about what he’s learnt.
- Parent/Carer Survey 2022
Curriculum Aims
Cardinality and Place Value
The cardinal value of a number refers to the quantity of things it represents, e.g. the numerosity, ‘how-many-ness’, or ‘four-ness’ of four. When children understand the cardinality of numbers, they know what the numbers mean in terms of knowing how many things they refer to, which creates a foundation for a deep understanding of number. This starts with subotising before children can consciously count.
We believe that place value and the understanding that our place value system is based on the number ten is crucial to children’s understanding of number. Through in-depth teaching in microscopic steps that build on prior learning, we aim to ensure that children develop a secure understanding of place value and our number system.
Number Facts
We believe that it is essential for children to learn key number facts to achieve automaticity. This fluency reduces cognitive load and enables children to focus on other aspects of maths with greater ease. Through our teaching of Number Sense Maths and Number Facts Cracked sessions (and our more recent participation in the Mastering Number programme run by the NCETM) our aim is to ensure that all children learn certain key number facts through explicit teaching.
Addition and Subtraction
In addition to learning a core set of number facts to automaticity, children are taught efficient mental and written methods for addition and subtraction calculations. We aim to teach these in a manner that provides children with an understanding of how these methods work and the types of calculations they are best suited to. The connection between addition and subtraction is also a key focus and we aim to provide children with a deep understanding of this relationship.
Multiplication and Division
In addition to learning a core set of number facts to automaticity, children are taught efficient mental and written methods for multiplication and division calculations. We aim to teach these in a manner that provides children with an understanding of how these methods work and the types of calculations they are best suited to. The connection between multiplication and division is also a key focus and we aim to provide children with a deep understanding of this relationship.
My favourite is maths because you get to learn different multiplication and calculations
- Pupil Survey 2022
As with all areas of our maths curriculum, fractions are introduced to children in microscopic steps to ensure a deep rather than surface level of understanding. Our use of concrete and pictorial representations is vitally important within this area to ensure children grasp how fractions relate to the whole, to each other and also to decimals and percentages.
We teach children geometry in order to help children understand spatial relationships. Through our teaching, we aim to provide children with an understanding of both 2D and 3D shapes and their properties.
Through teaching measurement we aim to provide children with the ability to use and estimate with a variety of measuring tools such as rulers, thermometers and scales. Through explicit teaching we also help children to develop their understanding of different units of measurement and convert between these.
Through explicit teaching of statistics we aim to teach children to create, read and reason about a number of statistical charts and graphs. These include tables, tally charts, pictograms, bar graphs and line graphs.
I like spaced learning. It is a fun way to start maths
- Pupil Survey 2022
Curriculum Hours
Nursery: 3 direct teaching sessions (plus continuous provision)
Reception: 3-4 direct teaching sessions (plus continuous provision), 3 x 15 minute number facts sessions
KS1: 4x 60 minute maths lessons, 4x 15 minutes number facts sessions
LKS2: 5x 45-60 minute maths lessons, 3x 15 minutes number facts sessions
UKS2: 5x 45-60 minute maths lessons, 2x 15 minutes number facts sessions
Home Learning
Maths home learning opportunities are set weekly from Reception to Year 6.
Maths Curriculum Approach
BG maths expectations and guidance 2021-23
Since 2018 we have been working with ‘South-West London Maths Hub’ to introduce, embed and sustain the teaching of maths through using mastery principles. Through participating in the programme we now teach using resources and approaches that provide children with a deep understanding of, and ability to remember the mathematical knowledge, concepts, procedures set out in the 2014 curriculum.
In 2021-22 we moved to using the materials and small steps set out by the NCETM in their curriculum prioritisation materials. This is leading to a direct impact on children's learning as evidenced in their maths journals. Teachers are able to make use of previous White Rose learning activities to supplement their (NCETM -based) planning.
In 2021-22 we also introduced short sessions dedicated to supporting children with learning key number facts to automaticity.
From September 2022 we are following a 'Number Facts' curriculum that has been carefully researched and written by our maths lead.
SEND pupils' access to the full maths curriculum is ensured in by the class teachers' and support staff consideration during planning and teaching.
Interventions is maths are bespoke to the needs of pupils, drawing on the principles of precision teaching: taught for short periods to develop specific skills/procedural knowledge.