Our Nursery
All parents and carers want their child to be happy, safe and enjoy their learning. Our nursery is uniquely positioned to give your child a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning as we have:
- A nurturing, educational focus
- Qualified teachers and Early Years Educators
- Unique, architect-designed indoor learning spaces
- Exclusive use of a purpose built outdoor learning environment
- Part-time and full-time educational places
Find out more about our nursery by watching our video...
Learning Experiences
Our Nursery is centred around an open plan space which encompasses both indoors and outdoors.
Our learning environment enables children to take learning into in their own hands, at their own pace, following their own interests, as they are expertly guided by our qualified teachers and educators.
In this way we effectively support children’s learning across all seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. View our curriculum overview here.