Parent View
Senior leaders are often at the school gates to listen to parent and carer views directly and then take action as appropriate.
Each year we also conduct parent/carer surveys to hear the views of our parents and carers, this helps inform school actions.
We encourage our parents and carers to share their views on our school with Ofsted via Parent View.
Parent View
OFSTED seek the views of parents at schools via a web based survey.
We would like you to complete this survey for us, so that when OFSTED do prepare and plan for our inspection they have a feel for the parental views. It will also help us to see what parents feel about specific areas of the school.
1. will take you to the Parent View website.
2. Click on “Give your views now” and you will be asked to register or login. You just need an email address to register.
3. Once logged in you are asked to answer 14 questions about the school.
If you do not have a computer or an email address or if you would like help to use Parent View, please come into school and ask at reception.
To learn about views that have been shared through parents surveys previously please read our annual reports.